By clicking the extras button BUY under the thumbnail of a digital painting on canvas (Chronoschromaties and Équi-Libre series), you will be redirected to the , directly to the sale page of the chosen artwork.
To buy a digital artwork art print from the Opticals - Rock & Movie Stars - Special Edition - The Biblical or First Period series, give me its title by clicking the following button . (to find out the title of a work, click on its thumbnail). Upon receipt of your request, I will answer you how to finalize your purchase.
Prints are made by high definition inkjet printing on a 250 g/m2 satin paper.
Digital paintings | Art prints 25x40 cm 35,00 € (sold unframed)
Digital paintings | Art prints 25x40 cm 35,00 € (sold unframed)
First Period
Bruno Arts | logo
My logo | Meaning
My logo is inspired by an African mbuya mbangu mask from the province of Bandundu, in the south of Zaire, where the central Pende live. Its graphics in gray and white outlined in black symbolize the complementarity of opposites, the richness of differences, the beauty of diversity. It is the symbol of Peace between men. Its two-tone treatment also takes up the symbolism of Yin and Yang, two opposing but vital energies to each other. It is also the basis of the harmony of the universe. This begins with the association of two primordial elements (duality) which become one WHOLE (uniqueness). It is the male/female couple, the alternation of day and night, the experience of hot and cold,…
In my logo, the dark gray part is the feminine: Earth; the white part, the masculine the Sky, but the eyes inside each part of the face remind us that one does not go without the other.
The white nose extended by the wing-shaped eyebrows suggests a benevolent Angel-Dove which protects each eye and adds a spiritual dimension (the Angel) to the symbolism of the logo while reinforcing the idea of Peace (the Dove).
Headquarters | 321 route des Balmettes - 74 540 Mûres - Haute-Savoie - France Business name | Bruno Arts (also known as Bruno Couttet) Legal status | Sole trader SIRET | 354 002 461 00052 NAF code | 9003B
Bruno Arts (with its associated graphic elements) is a registered trademark of Bruno Couttet since 1994.
| DRAWINGS | PAINTINGS | SCULPTURES | PHOTOS | WRITINGS | All adaptation or reproduction rights, either whole or partial, in any form whatsoever, are reserved for all countries. Without the express written permission, use, reproduction, even partial, in any form and by any means whatsoever are prohibited. | Counterfeiting is punishable by law.
| POEMS | All rights of adaptation or reproduction, even partial, in any form whatsoever, are reserved for all countries. Unless authorised, the use or reproduction, even partial, in any form or by any means whatsoever is prohibited. | Counterfeiting is punishable by law.
| MUSIC | All rights of the producer and of the owners of the recorded work reserved. Unauthorised copying, public performance, broadcasting, hiring or rental of my music are prohibited. | Piracy is punishable by law.
To know how to obtain an authorisation concerning the use, interpretation, performance, or radio, television or cinematographic broadcasting, free or paying, to an audience or in a private circle, other than family, of the works of Bruno Arts, click here (as this is a French law, this page is in French only)